Peetol-Diesel Increased Find out how much your city has grown 2020
Despite falling crude oil prices in the international market, domestic petrol and diesel prices are on the rise. Today, the price of petrol and diesel has gone up again. In the last 11 days, petrol has gone up by Rs 6 per liter and diesel by Rs 6.40 per liter Wednesday, June 17, state-owned oil companies also hiked petrol and diesel pricespetrol price has gone up from Rs 76.73 yesterday to Rs 77.28 per liter, which has gone up by 55 paise per liter. Similarly, diesel has gone up by 60 paise per liter from Rs 75.19 per liter to Rs 75.79 per liter
Thus, the last 11 days have seen a decline in the price of crude in the international market, but at home its price has been steadily rising. At present, the price of Indian Basket crude oil has dropped to around 35 35 per barrel. But the price of petrol and diesel has not come down like this. The effect is that the price of diesel has gone up by Rs 6.40 per liter in the last 11 days and the price of petrol has also gone up by Rs 6.00 per liter
The price of petrol diesel is updated every morning at 6 p.m. You can also know the daily rate of petrol and diesel through SMS. Indian Oil customers can know the price by typing RSP to 9224992249 and BPCL customers can send RSP to 9223112222. While HPCL customers can know the price by typing HPPrice and sending it to 9222201122.
☑️Important link :- To read in Gujarati
Daily Petrol and Diesel prices in your city in India
Daily Petrol Price is very simple and intuitive app to check daily Petrol and Diesel prices in your city. As app is still in primary phase with limited daily price functionalities but as it grows older you will have more features to take a close look at daily changes in prices of Fuel in your city.
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● As app says you can check Daily Petrol and Diesel prices in major Cities of India.
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